
Logo & Identity Project 

在十周年学院活动的设计中,我们延续了深圳大学传播学院标志中昂扬向上的玫红色,并融入了充满活力的向日葵黄,为这个冬天注入了温暖与活力。“0” 开口处的星星点点,寓意着莘莘学子朝气蓬勃地迈进传播学院的大门;十年之后,他们化作 “1” 顶上散开的红黄小点,脚踏实地地在社会上留下自己的足迹。

In the design of the college’s tenth anniversary event, we continued to use the upward-rising rose red in the logo of the School of Communication of Shenzhen University and incorporated the vibrant sunflower yellow, injecting warmth and vitality into this winter. The dots at the opening of “0” imply that students enter the School of Communication full of vitality. Ten years later, they turn into the scattered red and yellow dots on top of “1”, leaving their footprints in society in a down-to-earth manner.