Home Schooling — Brand Identity & Graphic Design

Home Schooling致力于打造外籍教师在华的TeachDaily及其附属服务的Visa Daily平台。专注于开展多元化的国际课程,提供K12全英学科英语课程、国际艺术素养课程,满足学生个性化学习需求.


Home Schooling is dedicated to creating TeachDaily and Visa Daily, a platform for foreign teachers in China. Focusing on a diverse range of international programmes, Home Schooling offers K12 English language courses and international arts and literacy programmes to meet the individual learning needs of students.
我们与Home Schooling 合作, 建立新标识,使其成为一个更具活力和统一性的品牌,并增加延伸性。
We worked with Home Schooling to create a new identity that would become a more dynamic and unified brand with increased extensibility.